You have succeeded when all you really want is only what you really need.
- Ellie Lindström
African Football Agents Association.
A Little about Us
African Football Agents Association (AFAA) is a vibrant and dynamic full-fledged football agents association, with Headquarters located in JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH-AFRICA. We are duly registered under the Company and Intellectual Property Commission in South Africa, with registration number 2021/571032/08.
African Football Agents Association (AFAA), an association of registered football intermediaries licensed with the status and regulation of world football governing body (FIFA), we are responsible for the welfare and management of footballers globally especially of African.
The association is tasked with responsibility of regulating the practicing & activities of registered football agents in Africa, welfare and management of footballers globally, in a way that can reduce the menace of human trafficking through football.
The association is task with responsibility of regulating the practice & activities of registered football agents in Africa, welfare and management of footballers globally, in a way that can reduce the menace of human trafficking through football. AFAA as an association is the mouthpiece for football agents in Africa at the global agent’s discussion on the new FIFA Football Agents Regulations, which held in Montevideo, Uruguay and in a series of meetings regarding FFAR.
Our Story
African Football Agents Association

Education: To organise its own educational programmes for prospective and
active football agents, as well as partner with other organisations to offer webinars,
courses and educative materials. Ongoing education will help to improve the
professional standards of the football agent industry.
Integrity: To promote transparency, respect fairness and integrity in order to
prevent the use of unethical and unacceptable methods and practices that could lead
to abuse of the profession of football agents. To promote a positive and professional
image of football agents and repair the poor reputational capital that the industry
has suffered from in the past
Mission Statement
Recognition: To be recognized by other football stakeholders and governing
bodies as the sole body representing the interests of all licensed football agents in
Africa. This will empower AFFAA to act on behalf of agents in collective negotiations
and representations with other stakeholders.
Improvement: To continually improve the football framework within which
football agents in Africa must operate by bringing together all football agents within
the continent of Africa under one organisation. This enables the joint adoption of
fundamental rules and regulations of football agents in Africa and thus contributes
to the good governance of international football
Regulation: To monitor compliance with the rules and regulations of football
agents and to take appropriate measures to prevent violations and sanction
accordingly when there is a breach.
Integrity: To promote transparency, respect fairness and integrity in order to
prevent the use of unethical and unacceptable methods and practices that could lead
to abuse of the profession of football agents. To promote a positive and professional
image of football agents and repair the poor reputational capital that the industry
has suffered from in the past
Networking: To cooperate, and foster the exchange of information and expertise,
with all football agents from all around the world; Networking opportunities and
helping expand agent’s contact list and encourage professionally minded agents to
work together collaboratively
Human Trafficking: To lead the campaign against the menace of human trafficking
through football by working hand in hand with relevant agency and or
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